Baku Shipyard announced the following vacancies


By Vacancies


October 17, 2018

The primary role of the Project Manager is preparing and maintaining project, stage and exception plans as required and coordinate the progress of the project to ensure that the project…Read More

Electrical Engineer (Engineering)

October 17, 2018

The primary role of the Electrical Engineer of Engineering department is to  support to production and commercial departments on technical specifications, design and construction drawings of vessels.   Duties &…Read More

Mechanical Engineer (Engineering)

October 17, 2018

The primary role of the Mechanical Engineer of Engineering department is to  support to production and commercial departments on technical specifications, design and construction drawings of vessels.   Duties &…Read More


October 17, 2018

The primary role of the Project Engineer is to track and coordinate the progress of the project on a day-to-day basis to ensure that the project is on-track.   Duties…Read More