33 ships undergo repair at Zygh Ship Repair and Construction Yard in 2022


A total of 33 different vessels were repaired at the Zygh Ship Repair and Construction yard of Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping CJSC (ASCO) in 2022, Report informs, referring to ASCO.

Of them, 26 belonged to the Marine Transport Fleet of ASCO, five were from the Caspian Sea Oil Fleet, and two belonged to external organizations.

The repair carried out with the participation of ASCO’s highly qualified specialists was in line with the requirements of the international convention.

The yard in Zygh provides a wide range of professional ship repair and marine engineering services. The main activity of the yard is to repair vessels and technical equipment and prepare various spare parts for ships based on orders. In addition, since 2017, the plant has been building small water-capacity vessels after passing the appropriate certification.