The 10-story Regent Seven Seas Voyager, carrying 750 passengers, is the first cruiser to dock in Istanbul in four years, June 6, 2019.
Istanbul welcomed its first cruise ship in four years as the 10-story Regent Seven Seas Voyager, carrying 750 passengers, docked at the city’s Sarayburnu Port this week. The cruise ship was welcomed by an Ottoman Janissary (Mehter) band. “The arrival of a [cruise] ship in a world-renowned city like Istanbul for the first time in four years is a source of happiness for us,” Karaköy Port Local Authority and Deputy Governor Mehmet Kalyoncu said. The Regent Seven Seas Voyager, mostly carrying tourists from Italy and Greece, arrived at Sarayburnu at 8:30 a.m.
A welcoming ceremony was held for the luxury vessel. Karaköy Port Local Authority and Deputy Governor Kalyoncu headed the delegation that welcomed the cruise ship.”We have just met the captain who is also pleased to be here. The passengers of the ship will visit Istanbul’s historical sites. We have taken all kinds of security measures in accordance with the instructions of our governor. It will give us happiness that the passengers, who will stay here for two days, happily return home and more cruise ships arrive in Istanbul.”