On 27 February – 3 March 2017 by the employees of the State Maritime Administration has been carried out an audit in the headquarters of the “Bureau Veritas” classification society located in Paris (Photo)


On 27 February – 3 March 2017 by the Head of the Ships Registration and Control on Ships Standards Department – Mr. Seymur Mirzayev and Head of the Law, Human Resources and International Relations Department – Mr. Farhad Mammadov has been carried out an audit of “Bereau Veritas” classification society according to the requirements of the 3rd Part of the “Code for Recognized Organizations” (RO Code) with the aim to evaluate the activity of the Recognized Organization or Classification Society, to determine its compliance with the requirements of the International Conventions and national legislation, as well as to ensure the implementation of the pertinent order of the State Maritime Administration “on procedures regarding inspection of classification societies approved by the State Maritime Administration for implementation technical control over the vessels that fly the State flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan”.
During the audit has been viewed the level of mutual cooperation with “Bureau Veritas” classification society and compliance of the activity of this classification society in maritime sector with the International Conventions. Moreover based on the requirements of the 3rd part of the “Code for Recognized Organizations” (RO Code) has been checked the level of handling of the documents concerning the quality management system, internal manuals, circulars and documents related to the maritime sector of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the level of the collaboration during the inspections and audits by the Republic of Azerbaijan, transmission of the information and statistics.
Also was monitored the compliance of the ships certified by “Bureau Veritas” classification society with the national and international legislation, to the sufficient knowledge of technical staff of the mentioned classification society about internal rules and regulations and to the existence of any pressure and prejudice affecting their independence of judgement while performing their duties.
At the same time has been audited the activity in respect to the ships under the classification of “Bureau Veritas” classification society, determined the compliance of the inspections with International Conventions and national legislation, as well as monitored the level of the exchange of information between the mentioned parties.
Upon the results of the audit the activity of the “Bureau Veritas” classification society has been evaluated as satisfactory according to the national legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the “Code for Recognized Organizations” and have been given recommendations on improvement of several areas of the activity of the mentioned classification society.