The shipyard “Bibiheybat” hosted an event dedicated to the World Day for Occupational Safety and Health at Work


    Press release of Press Service of “Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping” Closed Joint-Stock Company

    The shipyard “Bibi-Heybat” hosted an event dedicated to the World Day of Labor Protection. The Technical director of the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company Nurmuhammed Talibov, the Head of the QHSE Department Alekber Azizli, the engineer Vagif Bagirov, along with the Ship Yard management, technical staff, and department heads were attended the event.

    Director of the Ship yard Nasib Gahramanov congratulated the employees the Labor Safety Committee on Labor Protection Day and highlighted the organization of labor protection at the company in accordance with the requirements.

    Alakbar Azizli, the Head of the QHSE Department, engineer Vagif Bagirov and the Chairman of the committee of the trade union Ali Mustafayev, gave the necessary recommendations in his speeches during the event.

    During the event, a statistical report on the occasion of Labor Protection Day was presented.