TAP: Land cover restored at 87 % of TAP`s Greece and Albania routes


Under the construction of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), land cover at 87% of Greece and Albania`s routes have been completely restored, said TAP AG, the operator of the pipeline, which envisages transportation of Azerbaijani gas to Europe, said a message from TAP AG consortium.

According to the operator, more than 82 percent of TAP projects, including engineering, procurement and construction, have been implemented.

“Last month, Albania started preparations for drilling and piping sources for the microtunel on the 105-kilometer seaport of TAP. Construction of this part of the pipeline will be carried out in 2019 according to the TAP schedule. About 9,000 pipes will be used in the construction of a 36-inch line”, the operator added.

TAP`s route through Albania is approximately 215 kilometers onshore and 37 km offshore in the Albanian section of the Adriatic Sea. The onshore section starts in the municipality of Devolli, in the Korça region, at the Albanian border with Greece, and arrives at the Adriatic coast 17 km north-west of Fier, 400 meters inland from the shoreline.

TAP worth 4.5 billion euros is a part of the Southern Gas Corridor, which is one of the priority energy projects for the European Union. The project envisages transportation of gas from Azerbaijan`s Shah Deniz Stage 2 to the EU countries.

The pipeline will connect to the Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) on the Turkish-Greek border, run through Greece, Albania and the Adriatic Sea, before coming ashore in Italy’s south.

TAP will be 878 kilometers in length (Greece 550 kilometers, Albania 215 kilometers, Adriatic Sea 105 kilometers, and Italy 8 kilometers).

TAP`s shareholding is comprised of BP (20 percent), SOCAR (20 percent), Snam S.p.A. (20 percent), Fluxys (19 percent), Enagás (16 percent) and Axpo (5 percent).© Content from this site must be hyperlinked when used.