Caspian Energy Club calls on entrepreneurs to support Azerbaijani army


The Caspian Energy Club has called on entrepreneurs to give active support to the Azerbaijani army which is liberating the occupied territories, fulfilling the historical mission.

“It is the duty of each of us to provide financial, organizational and informational support to the Azerbaijani army and the civilian population located in the frontline zone,”

Chairman and CEO of the Caspian Energy Club Telman Aliyev said.

“As the largest and most dynamic organization that unites entrepreneurs of the Caspian, Black Sea and Baltic regions, the Caspian Energy Club calls on all top managers of Azerbaijani companies to take an active part in supporting the Azerbaijani army. One of the most important tasks today is to give truthful information about the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. In this regard, it is necessary that every employee of the Caspian Energy Club member companies in 50 countries of the world be informed about current events and trust only information published on the official website of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan.

It is also needed to continue providing financial support for the families of martyrs who died for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan,” Telman Aliyev said.

“Together we are power! Victory will be ours! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!”

The Caspian Energy Club, which brings together over 5,000 companies and organizations from 50 countries, was established in June 2002. As an active participant of the business-to-government dialogue, the major objective of the Caspian Energy Club is to improve the investment and business climate in Azerbaijan and in other countries where the Caspian Energy Club operates, as well as to stimulate and actively participate in the B2G, B2B and B2C dialogues.

Caspian Energy Club is the international business-networking platform and regularly organizes various events such as CEO Brunch, CEO Lunch, Business Tour, Round Table, etc. Within the framework of online business trainings, local and foreign specialists conduct webinars, trainings and seminars. The head office of the Caspian Energy Club is in Baku. The Caspian Energy Club has official representative offices and authorized representatives in different countries around the world.© Content from this site must be hyperlinked when used.