In 2024, the Port of Baku handled more than 7.6 million tons of cargo
The total volume of cargo handled at the Port of Baku, which is an important part of the Middle Corridor route, amounted to 7.6 million tons over the past year, marking an increase of 3.2% compared to the corresponding figure of 2023. Thus, there was an increase of more than 73% in container transportation, more than 3% in the volume of general cargo handling, and more than 7% in the transportation of wheeled transport.
During the reporting period, one of the largest increases in specific sectors was recorded in the number of containers handled at the Port of Baku. In the past year, 76,775 TEU equivalent containers were handled at the Port of Baku, which is an indicator of a 73% increase compared to 2023.
In 2024, the number of wheeled vehicles accepted and dispatched at the Port of Baku was 58,169 units, which is an increase of 7.2% compared to the previous year.
At the same time, the volume of dry cargo handled at the port last year was more than 1 million 44 thousand tons, and the number of wagons was 37,515 units, which also indicates an increase compared to the previous year.
More than 5.3 million tons of the total cargo handling, that is, 70%, belongs to transit cargo. This indicator is also a result of the interest of third countries in international transport corridors passing through Azerbaijan, especially the Middle Corridor.
Considering the growing interest in the international transport corridors passing through our country and the Port of Baku, which is the most modern logistics center and port in the region, as well as the rapidly developing infrastructure and logistics operational capabilities, it can be said that the positive statistical trend will continue in the current year as well.
