The “Bergushadchay” vessel, built at the “Zykh” Ship Repair and Construction Yard, has been commissioned


The “Bergushadchay” tugboat, built at the “Zykh” Ship Repair and Construction Yard of the “Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company” CJSC (ASCO), has been commissioned. The vessel has been added to the balance of the Caspian Sea Oil Fleet.

The vessel is 24.72 meters long, 6.60 meters wide, with a height of 3 meters, a draft of 1.6 meters, and a deadweight of 14 tons.

The vessel can operate at a speed of 9 knots and is capable of carrying up to 3 tons of cargo on its deck.

Modern communication and electronic navigation systems have been installed on the tugboat. These include a stationary VHF radio station, an Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB), radar transponders, portable radios, an Automatic Identification System (AIS), a Command Broadcast System, a magnetic compass, and a radar station.

The vessel’s design was developed by specialists of “ASCO Engineering” LLC.

It should be noted that since 2017, in addition to professional ship repair and marine engineering services, the construction of vessels has also been carried out at “Zykh” under appropriate certification.