Kholmatov: Uzbekistan doubled cargo transportation volume along Middle Corridor in 2022


Uzbekistan in 2022 doubled the volume of cargo transportation along the Middle Corridor, Director of the Center for the Study of Problems of Transport and Logistics Development under the Uzbek Transport Ministry Bekzod Kholmatov told Report.

He noted that the relevance of the Middle Corridor project is growing against the backdrop of modern geopolitical challenges.

“In 2023, we aim to increase the volume of cargo transportation along the Middle Corridor by 1.5 times year on year, as well as continue working on the development of the project. The Middle Corridor is very important in terms of trade with the countries of the European Union, the United States, Brazil,” he said.

Kholmatov noted that the low capacity of the Middle Corridor remains one of the problems.

“The Middle Corridor crosses the borders of a number of countries, and this partly increases the delivery time of goods, which, in turn, affects the cost. I believe that in order to solve this problem, it is necessary to apply a preferential system for the transportation of certain types of goods,” he said.