SOCAR DOWNSTREAM is looking for a Laboratory Supervisor


Position: Laboratory Supervisor

Job Responsibilities
The Job Holder supervises for Hydrocarbon Laboratory Operations (50+FTE) as holding the title of Hydrocarbon Testing Supervisor Role.

The Hydrocarbon Testing Supervisor has the following accountabilities:

•    Acts as the supervising lead for Hydrocarbon (HC) teams together with the Routine Lab Manager.
•   Ensure HC Labs operates as per procedures, HSE & Quality compliant.
•   Supervising all analyses conducted for hydrocarbon fluids (which can be toxic) section for all type of products delivered into the related sections. Ensures the accuracy and reliability of all samples from sample collection till reporting to customers. 
•   Verify and approves test results in worksheets and LIMS. Ensure that all records are maintained in both hard and electronic copies and that all documentation is completely accurately. 
•   Prepares reports to customers and shares them with Routine Lab Manager to be reviewed either manually or through LIMS.
•   Supervises HC staff to verify the correct and effective implementation of the Laboratory Quality Assurance protocols, procedures, logbooks, and instructions.
•   Supervises resources, adjust workloads, provides on the job training for the HC section staff as required to facilitate the completion of assigned tasks in a safe work environment consistent with test requirements and personnel capabilities.
•   Ensures turnaround times and early on time service delivery quality to the customers in alignment with Routine Lab Manager
•   Overall custodian, and therefore the HSE responsible party, for HC sections and the equipment it contains
•   Coordinates good housekeeping of all laboratory sections and areas including chemical waste management, HSE issues
•   Conducts weekly safety toolbox meetings & Walk and Talk sessions to improve analytical and safety awareness of the staff and properly keep records on that together with HSE Specialist.
•    Prepares and updates laboratory documentation to comply with Azerbaijani Legislation and international quality system requirements in alignment with QA/QC Specialist and Routine Lab Manager.
•   Provides first level approval for the la work instructions, logbooks, procedures related to his/her own section. Provides guidance to specialists and lab technicians.
•   Manages all laboratory tests results for the team and distribute and verify all sample reports within the sections including shift work.
•    Generates, develop and coordinate development of draft procedures, work instructions, programs, protocols or any specific activities, reports dedicated to own section and coordinated correct implementations within HC section.
•    Participate and coordinate the design of the ISO 17025 by acquiring, implementing, and continuously improving good laboratory practice, developing required documentation, and controlling its implementation in day-to-day operations carries out in HC laboratory and in the fields.
•     Co-responsible for internal/external audits of the laboratory and direct responsible for the readiness of HC section for the internal/external audits.
•   Responsible for shift handover process and good communication if any of the section personnel goes on vacation or be in leave for any reasons.  
•   Manages the inventory, the stock balance, and verifies correct registering of the consumption and/or receipt, & any reallocation of material in different storage locations of the items (e.g. chemicals, spares, consumables, glassware, standard mixtures) for the HC sections and keeps consistent records on these.
•   Guides his/her direct staff and manages requirements – training plans, rotations, leaves, appraisals.
•     Remains responsible for the items and delegations described in Table of Authority in Quality Manual.
•    Remains committed to annual company objectives and individual goals and targets.
•    Supports Lab Management and carries out annual staff appraisals and performance reviews.

Applications to be submitted to indicating position title in the subject line.
