Azerbaijani shipyards repair over 100 vessels in 2021


Some 106 vessels were repaired at the Bibiheybat and Zykh shipyards in Azerbaijan last year, the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company (ASCO) CJSC told Trend on Jan. 13.

According to the company, 27 vessels were overhauled, 53 underwent dock, and 26 – current repairs. Of the total 106 vessels, 94 are owned by ASCO, and 12 – by other organizations.

“The repair work was carried out within the requirements of the international conventions and involved highly qualified ASCO specialists,” the company said.

ASCO provides a wide range of professional ship repairs and marine engineering services.

“The main activities of the Bibieybat and the Zykh shipyards are the repair of vessels and technical equipment belonging to ASCO and other companies, as well as the manufacture of various spare parts based on orders,” the press service of the CJSC said.