SOCAR’s subsidiary joins Turkish Oil Industry Association


SOCAR Turkey, subsidiary of Azerbaijan’s state oil company SOCAR, has become a member of Turkish Oil Industry Association, PETDER, Trend reports with reference to Turkish media.

Currently, PETDER members are Alpet, Aytemiz, Belgin, BP, Castrol, Exxon Mobil, GO, Güzel Enerji Akaryakıt, Opet, Petline, Petrol Ofisi, Petroyağ, Shell, Shell & Turcas, SOCAR Turkey, Total Energies and TP.

PETDER’s main work areas involve the provision of the sale and economic supply of gasoline, LPG and lubricants oils; maintenance of transparent, fair and stable industrial environment; prevention of unfair competition; preservation of consumer and human rights; amelioration of industrial standards within the sector.

SOCAR Turkey, which is one of the most deep-rooted global oil and natural gas companies, initiated its business operations in Turkey upon acquisition of 51 percent of the shares of Petkim from the Privatization Administration in 2008.

Drawing attention with its giant projects realized one after another which will have a total investment value of 19.5 billion US Dollars once completed, SOCAR Turkey encompasses the best-in-breed companies such as Petkim, TANAP, STAR Refinery, SOCAR Terminal, Petkim RES (Wind Power Plant), Bursagaz, Kayserigaz, Enervis, SOCAR Enerji Ticaret, Millenicom, SOCAR Ticaret and SOCAR Depolama.

Focusing on its main investment areas, namely petro-chemical products, refining, natural gas trade and distribution, SOCAR Turkey is the first company to get the title of ‘Private Industrial Zone’ in Turkey for its fields covering most of its investments in Aliaga.