The results of the admission of students to the ASMA for the 2021-2022 academic year have been known


The results of the admission of students to the Azerbaijan State Marine Academy (ASMA) of the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company (ASCO) for the academic year 2021/2022 have become known.

The results demonstrate that 176 out of 200 planned places, previously approved by the Cabinet of Ministers for the ASMA, have been filled. Unlike Russian sector, admission to specialties in Azerbaijani and English sectors was 100 percent.

A student admitted to the ASMA with the highest score (598) will study in the English sector majoring in Marine Navigation Engineering.

30 students scored 400-500 points on exams, 116 students – 300-400 points, 17 students – 200-300 points.

150 out of 176 students admitted to the ASMA will study on the basis of the state order.

Moreover, this year it was the first time when 3 sub-bachelors were able to become students of the ASMA without passing exams. The rules for their admission without passing exams are determined by the State Examination Center.