Cargo transportation via Azerbaijan side of TRACECA drops 18%


In January-July this year, the volume of load transported on the Azerbaijani part of the Europe-Caucasus-Asia transport corridor was 24.5 million tons, and the cargo turnover was 5,550 million ton-km (5.5 million tons or 18.3% less than 2019), Report says.

According to the State Statistics Committee, freight turnover decreased by 688 million ton-km or 11% over the past year.

During the reporting period, 14 million tons (57%) were transported by road, 7.5 million tons (30.8%) by rail, 3 million tons (12.2%) by sea.

Transit cargo accounted for 20.2% or 4,955,600  tons, which is 336,000 tons (7.3%) more than a year earlier.