The book “First Aid in Open Waters” was published upon the initiative of the ASCO Department of Social Development and Transport and Department of Quality, Health, Labor Safety and Environmental Protection and on the basis of the third edition of the World Health Organization (WHO).
The doctor of LLC Polyclinic of Sailors Adigozal Mammadov translated and designed the book. The editor of the publication is Suleyman Alis, the senior scientific editor of the Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia Scientific Center, and technical editor is Asif Guliyev, staff member of ASCO Public Relations Department.
The book notes that the Executive Committee of the World Health Organization and the World Health Assembly adopted resolutions on pathological problems occurring in connection with professional activities of people working at sea. These documents are based on the conditions for improving the health of seafarers, providing first aid and specialized treatment in a healthcare facility.
The book “First Aid in Open Waters” includes various sections: general principles of first aid on board a vessel, loss of consciousness, restoration of vital functions: artificial respiration and indirect heart massage, severe bleeding, shock, burns, fractures, dislocations, head injuries, explosive injuries, internal bleeding, asphyxia, Neil-Robertson fever, several measures to reduce pain and discomfort in the teeth and mouth before providing specialized medical care, oxygen therapy, hazards associated with chemicals, including poisoning.
The book also provides extensive information on quarantine and isolation rules during respiratory pandemics.
In addition, the publication includes a decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted on the basis of the 3rd part of Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 532 “On Psychiatric Care” dated November 24, 2011 as well as the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Narcological Service and Control”.
The PDF version of the book can be found at the following link: