January 2018: Georgia’s external trade up 20.1%


    Georgia’s external trade grew by 20.1 percent in January 2018 and reached $815.8 million, says the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat), Agenda reports.

    Last month the value of Georgia’s exports increased by 25.7 percent to $222.2 million, while the value of imports also increased 18.1 percent to $593.6 million with respect to January 2017, says the Geostat data.

    Georgia’s trade deficit equalled $371.3 million in January 2018, which was a 45.5 percent share of the country’s total trade turnover.

    Trade deficit is an economic measure of the negative balance of trade in which a country’s imports exceed its exports.

    Detailed data on external merchandise trade of Georgia will be published on 19 February, 2018.

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