Capabilities of Long Range Identification and Tracking National Centre (LRIT) of State Maritime Administration highly appreciated by the Technical Support Group (Team) of the International Hydrographic Organization


    A meeting between the representatives of the Technical Support Group (Team) of the International Hydrographic Organization and officials of the Maritime Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held today.

    The meeting, which was attended by the participants from of the Navigation and Cartography Department of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan acquainted with the Long Range Identification and Tracking National Centre of the State Maritime Administration.

    The guests were informed that,in order to ensure effective safety of navigation in the territorial waters of the Republic of Azerbaijan Maritime Safety Center under the State Maritime Administration was established by the Presidential Order  № 338, dated 14 march 2014.

    According to the Decree approved by the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers №164, dated 23 May 2014,  LRIT National Centre undertakes ensuring safety system of navigation at the territorial waters of the Republic of Azerbaijan and in the aquatorium of the ports, vessel traffic system control, control on vessels, providing pilotage services, long range indentification and tracking of ships and other functions regarding to the safety of navigation.

    Maritime Safety Centre was established for ensuring the requirements of the International Conventions which Azerbaijan Republic acceded to and carry out effective control of ships according to international standards.

    Officials at the State Maritime Administration have stated that, Long Range Identification and Tracking National Centre (LRIT) which has been created according to the Regulation 19-1 Chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety of  Life at Sea (SOLAS-74),   and equipped with the new typed navigational radio equipment answering the appropriate recent requirements carries out following main activities: observing position of ships in the territorial waters of Republic of Azerbaijan through radar and Satellite System, providing the safety of ships’ navigation, transmitting the relevant data concerning the navigational warnings and weather forecast to ships, controlling abiding by the ships requirements of the “Regulation of navigation in the territorial waters of the Azerbaijan Republic”, transferring SOS signals received from ships and other information to relevant authorities and organizations and in the case of necessity organize cooperation with them, as well as creating regular operative connection and information exchange with international organizations and the similar national centers and  shipping companies of other countries.

    Guests were also informed about the successful results and cooperation between Navigation and Cartography Department of the Ministry of Defense and LRIT National Centre.

    Guests which are highly appreciated the joint cooperation of the state bodies, were informed about LRIT National Centre which is surpasses similar centres of advanced European countries by the technical equipment and the specialists trained in relevant centers of foreign countries.

    Meetings, measures, acceleration process of becoming a member of International Hydrographic Organization and the assessment of opportunities of Hydrographic Servises of Azerbaijan Republic were discussed later.

    Guests during their visit to National Centre highly appreciated capabilities of Long Range Identification and Tracking National Centre (LRIT) which has been created in Azerbaijan and equipped with the new typed navigational radio equipment and will highline information and impressions they received in their report.

    The two sides exchanged of views on other issues of mutual interest.

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