Natig Aliyev commemorated in SOCAR


    An event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the former Minister of Energy of Azerbaijan, late Natig Aliyev was today held at the head office of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) today.

    Report informs, opening the event, SOCAR President Rovnag Abdullayevspoke about Natig Aliyev`s successful services in the oil and gas industry of Azerbaijan, “Contract of the Century” and later its special role in many oil and gas contracts: “Natig Aliyev will always has a footprint in the oil industry of Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijani oil workers will never forget him”.

    Then the event participants watched a documentary film about Natig Aliyev on CBC TV.

    Speaking at the event, First Vice President of SOCAR Khoshbakht Yusifzade shared his memories about the deceased and spoke about his successful activity. He said that besides “Contract of the Century”, he has a great deal of work in each of the 34 contracts signed after: “24 contracts were signed during his presidency in the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic. He will always be remembered as an ordinary, sincere and kind person. The simplicity was his lifestyle”.

    Later, Vice Speaker of the Parliament Valeh Alasgarov shared his memories about Natig Aliyev.


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