An Educational event was held on the subject of “Prevention of Corruption”


    Press Service of the State Maritime Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan

    An educational event was held on the subject of “Prevention of Corruption” at the State Maritime Administration in accordance with framework of tasks arisen from “National Action Plan of Open Government Initiative for 2016-2018”  adopted with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No1993 dated 27 April 2016.

    With participation of management of Administration and staff members and also staff of authorities under the Administration, it had been mentioned that application of governmental principles, enhancement of transparency and sustainable strategy in the prevention of corruption field, our Republic gained grand success.  Actions that have been taken in prevention of corruption ensure the strengthening the trust of people for governmental bodies, protection the rights and freedoms of humans and citizens, establishment of regime for development of economy, for government bodies and local self-administrative bodies, provision the legitimacy of actions of official staff, transparency and effectiveness.

    During the event, solution of issues of official persons on using their rights and privileges, rights of organizations that they represent and also their status to obtain illegally the materials and gifts that had been prohibited by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on “Prevention of Corruption” had been considered and also recent amendments to the Law on “provision of information on offence related to Corruption” and measures shall be taken regarding state security for persons providing the information was discussed. In was specially mentioned that persons’ that provide information regarding offence related to corruption, their confidentiality shall be maintained

    With regards to this the person guilty for violation of confidentiality of the person that provides information, shall be liable as defined with legislation.

    During the discussions the questions of participants were answered, information was given regarding international practice on prevention of corruption. During the event it was regarded that for continuation of educational measures in future on amendments to the legislation on prevention of corruption, relevant trainings will be held.