SOCAR increases exports from Supsa port


    The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) during January-June has exported 1 315 184 tons of oil from the port of Supsa (Black Sea, Georgia).

    Report was told in the company, 176 139 tons of crude oil exported from Supsa accounted for June.

    In the first half of the year volume of crude oil exported by SOCAR is 8% more compared with the corresponding period last year.

    Notably, indices of the crude oil exported by SOCAR reflect volume of crude oil both of the Azerbaijani state and company itself.

    Crude oil exported to port of Supsa via the Baku-Supsa pipeline. The pipeline was commissioned on April 17, 1999. Capacity of the pipeline is about 7 mln tons per year (140,000 barrels per day).