Astana Economic Forum kicks off



    Representatives from the world’s economic community, including heads of state, business leaders and figures from the scientific world, have come together in the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the annual Astana Economic Forum.

    The Forum is best known as a platform for international dialogue that enables constructive discussion of economic development issues concerning both Central Asia and the entire world in relation to changes witnessed in the global economy.

    As part of the Astana Economic Forum 2017, a Plenary Session will be held with the participation of the Head of State, a meeting with the world’s leading experts and economists, including Nobel laureates.

    Among the main events of the Astana Economic Forum, about 20 panel sessions will be held, where it is planned to discuss thoroughly the main topic “New energy – New economy”.

    It will also feature the fourth International Transport and Logistic Business Forum “New Silk Way”. Chairman of Azerbaijan Railways Javid Gurbanov and Director General of Baku international Sea Trade Port Taleh Ziyadov will attend “Historical Competition between the Sea and Land in the Direction of East-West: New Silk Road” session of the business forum.