Repair of the crane vessel “Zulfi Hajiyev” will be completed on time

    Press release of Press Service of “Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping” Closed Joint-Stock Company
    The crane vessel “Zulfi Hajiyev” belonging to the Caspian Sea Oil Fleet of Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company was lifted to the dock at the “Bibi-Heybat” ship repair yard.

    Currently, work is under way on painting the surface of the vessel, assembling the helmsman and propeller, planing the right baler. The hull and welding work on the vessel is being completed.

    It is planned to repair also the windlass and rear spire of the crane vessel, electric and automatic parts. Along with this, it is planned to assemble and install five new doors.

    According to repairmen, dismantling of synchronous engines was made. The presence of defects is now being specified. The main generators has been inspected and the technical state was considered satisfactory.

    The vessel is scheduled to be launched on June 10, and a completion of the repair is scheduled for June 25.

    It should be reminded, that the length of the crane vessel “Zulfi Hajiyev” is 98.98, and the width – 17.43 meters. The speed is 11.35 knots. The tonnage of the vessel is 100 tons.