Over 92% of works on “Shah Deniz-2” completed


    During the quarter I of 2017, implementation of the Shah Deniz-2 (Stage 2) project continued successfully. The project is now over 92% complete in terms of engineering, procurement and construction, and remains on target for first gas from Shah Deniz Stage 2 in 2018.
    Report informs, operator of the field “BP-Azerbaijan” informed.

    Project activities continue at all offshore and onshore sites and fabrication yards of the country including the Sangachal Terminal, ATA (AMEC/Tekfen/Azfen) yard near Baku, Baku Deepwater Jackets Factory (BDJF) and along the pipeline route.
    “In March, a significant milestone was achieved in the project with the sail away of the jacket for the second of the Shah Deniz (Stage 2) platforms. The Quarters and Utilities (QU) platform jacket sailed away from the BDJF yard and was successfully launched and installed in the Shah Deniz contract area in the Caspian Sea. Pile installation and final completion activities of the QU jacket structure are still on-going. The construction and commissioning of the subsea construction vessel (SCV) “Khankendi” are progressing well at the Baku Shipyard. The vessel’s 900-tonne main crane was recently successfully load tested. In summer 2017, the vessel will sail away from the shipyard quay for sea trials in the Caspian Sea which is a significant milestone on SD2 project delivery”, the 2017 report says.

    At the ATA yard, construction of both Shah Deniz-2 platform topsides units is complete and commissioning activities are well underway. The plan is to sail away these decks for offshore installation in the summer of 2017.

    The Sangachal terminal, already one of the world’s largest oil and gas terminals, is progressing well with its expansion plans in order to be able to process the additional gas volumes. At the peak of project activities, over 24,000 people were involved in construction works in Shah Deniz-2 and SCPX contracts in Azerbaijan and over 80% of them were Azerbaijani nationals.