Enhanced security measures introduced in the Strait of Hormuz following incident


Following the incident in the Gulf of Oman, all tankers going through the Strait of Hormuz will be provided with additional protection, and the region will introduce enhanced maritime patrols.

Report informs that newspaper Izvestia wrote referring to the representative of Norwegian oil company Frontline, whose tanker Front Altair was attacked in the territorial waters of Iran yestarday.

The company noted that it intends to introduce enhanced security measures on all its tankers in the near future, without waiting for the end of the investigation.

“The Strait of Hormuz is becoming another point of turbulence in the Middle East. We cannot allow such provocations to undermine the oil transportation market, considering that up to 40% of the world’s marine oil exports pass through this Strait,” Frontline said.

The company also added that “even it is impossible to calculate approximately the damage from the explosion now – you need to wait until the fire on the ship will be extinguished.” According to the carrier, there were 75 thousand tons of crude oil on board.

Notably, yesterday media reported about explosion of two oil tankers in the Gulf.