Turkish freight train exporting goods via Azerbaijan reaches its final destination


The first freight train with the export goods from Turkey arrived in China’s Xi’an city, Trend reports citing the Turkish State Railways Administration (TCDD).

“The train, which arrived in the city of Khorgos in the Kazakh-Chinese border on December 16, has reached its final destination, the city of Xi’an, Starting from 2021, such trains will run regularly twice a month,” said the TCDD.

The train proceeded through the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK) railway line and the East-West transport corridor to Ankara, Sivas and Kars, after which, through Georgia, it arrived in Azerbaijan. Then the containers were sent in transit through the Port of Baku by the Beket Ata feeder ship to Kazakhstan, and then to Khorgos city on the Kazakh-Chinese border and to the final point – the city of Xi’an.

According to the previous data, the total length of the train, to which 42 containers with Turkey-made refrigerators was loaded, is 8,693 kilometers (2 continents, 2 seas and 5 countries).

The estimated travel time from Turkey, starting from December 4, to China is 12 days. The operators of the train sent from Istanbul to Xi’an via the BTK railway are members of the international transport consortium – ADY Container LLC (Azerbaijan), KTZ Express (Kazakhstan), GR Logistics (Georgia) and Pasific Eurasia Logistics (Turkey).

The freight train departed from the Turkish ‘Kazlychesme’ station at 14:00 (GMT+3) on December 4, 2020. Turkish Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoglu took part in the ceremony of sending the train.

In November 2019, the first freight train was sent from China to Europe in transit through Turkey, which proceeded via the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway.