Webinar in the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping CJSC


Employees of the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping CJSC (ASCO) joined a webinar (online seminar) on the topic “Remote work as part of the modern work culture”.

Specialists of the Risk Management and Legal Departments of Deloitte in Azerbaijan conducted the webinar.

During the seminar, experts shared Deloitte’s Work from Home experience and provided recommendations on the following issues: technical solutions for remote work, measures related to IT risks, including rules of digital hygiene and protection of confidential information, problems in transition to the system in the early stages, ensuring effective communication with the team, the difficulties that managers face when switching to a new mode, organizing online meetings, time management – planning work on a daily and weekly basis, and creating working conditions at home.

It should be noted that remote work is not a new practice for Deloitte, which employs more than 312,000 people in 150 countries. For many years, company employees worked on various projects, communicated, received and gave feedback not only from home, but also from anywhere in the world.
