Minimizing the negative impact of waste on the environment as a result of ASCO’s activities is constantly monitored


“Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company” CJSC (ASCO) constantly pays attention to minimize negative environmental impact of liquid and solid wastes caused by vessel operations and activities of coastal facilities on water sources, soil and air. Necessary preventive measures are taken to prevent damage to the environment during operations.

At the end of 2023, 91,652 m³ of plastic, 910,762 m³ of food waste, 883,174 m³ of household waste (paper-cardboard, scrap, glass, metal, etc.), 123,031 m³ of operational waste, 216.4 m³ of oil were removed from our territories by transferring them to certified institutions with experienced specialists and technical base as per agreements, residual sludge, 4401.97 m³ of groundwater, 96115.65 m³ of domestic wastewater.

During covered period, 138 tons of burnt molding sand, 2038.56 tons of abrasive (rust-paint-gravel-sand mixture from the ship’s hull), 74830.8 tons of domestic wastewater, 874.25 tons of oil-containing groundwater were disposed of on the ASCO coastline objects, 234,885 tons of lubricating oil, 4983.66 m³ of household waste (paper-cardboard, wood, scrap, glass, metal, bottles, etc.), 1019.62 m³ of food waste, 380.8 m³ of polymer and plastic waste, 81.05 m³ of oil-containing and oil-containing waste, 130,871 m³ of rubber waste, 7 batteries and galvanic cells, 372.85 m³ of operational waste, 0.203 m³ of medical waste were delivered.

Last year, 1,285 tons of paper, 1,324 tons of plastic, 655,037 tons of ferrous metal and 2.75 tons of non-ferrous metal were sent for recycling.