The completion of the project of the Zarifa Aliyeva ferry boat has taken more than 3 years, said Fuad Madatov, head of the project management department of the Baku Shipyard, Report informs.
According to him, the project of the “Zarifa Aliyeva” Ro-Pax type ferry is the same as the “Azerbaijan” Ro-Pax type ferry, which was commissioned at the beginning of last year.
Madatov said that the ferry could carry 100 passengers, 56 tanks, or 50 trucks / TIRs: “According to these indicators, these Ro-Pax ferries are superior to other ferries operating in the Caspian Sea. The unique ship with 30 permanent crew members is 154.50 meters long, 17.7 meters wide, and 7.5 meters high. the speed is 14 knots.”
He noted that the ship, equipped with modern equipment from the world’s leading manufacturers, has a cargo elevator, a helipad, a ship stabilization system in undulating weather, and traction locomotives.