ANNOUNCEMENT: PCR tests for COVID-19 are no longer required for local and foreign citizens using Port of Baku services


According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan to cancel the requirement to conduct a PCR test for COVID-19 with a negative result for entry into the Republic of Azerbaijan from April 15, it is also no longer required at Baku International Sea Trade Port CJSC. (Port of Baku). However, those traveling to countries where a PCR-negative test is mandatory must provide this test with negative result prior to their travel.

It should be noted that from the first days of the pandemic, Port of Baku, in cooperation with the relevant government agencies, ensured the prompt organization of cargo transportation, initially created conditions for drivers of trucks to pass PCR tests in a special zone at Port of Baku and then extended to then at the Kirmizkorpu border checkpoint. Over the past period, with the support of the Port of Baku, PCR tests were taken from 50,093 people, including 47,009 drivers and 3,084 passengers.

It should be noted that Port of Baku customers can, if necessary, voluntarily undergo a PCR test upon a request at the medical center operating in the port area. The Port of Baku always attaches great importance to the creation of a safe and healthy working environment, the protection of the environment and human health, and applies modern standards in this area.