Dredger “Narva” was modernized


“Bibiheybat” Ship Repair Yard has completed the overhaul and modernization of the dredging vessel “Narva”, operated since 1966 and owned by the Offshore Fleet of the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company (ASCO).

During the repair, 2 KSSM6-type main engines were replaced with overhauled 6ЧРПН 36/45-type engines. At the same time, the equipment servicing these engines and the control protection system was re-installed, the 100 kW parking generator was replaced with a 150 kW diesel generator. The overhaul has also included the installation of a new diesel generator for the auxiliary steering device, the replacement of the old electric motor with a new one, and an update of the electrical control systems. In addition, 2 2OK1Э-type air compressors were replaced with WL-33 air compressors, and DELAVAL fuel and oil separators – with СЦ 1.5 fuel and oil separators. Besides, the works have covered the overhaul of 2 dredger pumps, renewal of 600 mm pipeline and gate valves, and replacement of 4-ton tank for collection and delivery of wastewater with a 28-ton tank.

In addition, pipelines in cabins, engine rooms, and pump rooms, as well as a large number of metal boards in underwater parts, internal compartments, and decks, have been completely repaired and replaced where necessary.

Due to difficulties with mechanical steering, the system has been updated to an electro-hydraulic one.

Along with this, new cargo compartment hatch covers, hydraulic devices for lifting these covers, and high-pressure pipelines of the control system were installed. The lifting mechanisms used to suck in the dirt (or soil) underwent an overhaul. Moreover, electrical distribution devices, communication facilities, electrical radio navigation equipment, and electric motors have been completely repaired.

When the ship was lifted to the dock, the unusable parts of the hull were replaced, the propulsion and steering complex, bottom-side fittings, and protectors were repaired. After, underwater and surface parts of the vessel were cleaned with abrasive sand and painted. The rooms for the crew were equipped with the necessary furniture, and the bathrooms and the dining room have been overhauled.

After completing the repair of mechanisms and electrical equipment, the ship successfully passed sea trials and was put into operation.
