Turkey’s gas reserve volumes in Black Sea expected to rise


The increasing exploration and drilling efforts for new wells after Turkey’s Fatih drillship discovered 405 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas in the Black Sea is about to bear fruits with further gas volumes, APA reports citing Anadolu.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will announce the recent developments in the field, which is expected to be about a new gas discovery.

Fatih drilled Turkali-1 and Turkali-2 testing wells after the big discovery along with the Amasra-1 well, which is an exploration well.

Testing and exploration drills will likely result in new additional gas reserves.

Turkey’s Black Sea gas find was the largest offshore gas discovery in the world last year, while it was the second-largest in overall findings.

International Energy Agency head Fatih Birol said last year in an interview with Anadolu Agency that the potential economic value of Turkey’s discovery was around $80 billion in an interview with Anadolu Agency.

Another drillship, Kanuni, is currently carrying out completion tests at the Turkali-2 well while Fatih is drilling testing the well of Turkali-3.

Turkish President Erdogan announced he will have a video link with the Kanuni drillship on Friday.