Shallowed Volga threatens to kill LUKOIL projects in the Caspian Sea


According to environmentalists’ forecasts, in the near future, to continue navigation in the northern part of the Caspian Sea, additional canals will have to be broken. It is in the northern part of the sea that there are three deposits: them. Filansky, them. Korchagin and them. Graifer. The first two are undergoing commercial production, and the last is being developed. In the next 3 years, LUKOIL plans to drill 4 more prospecting wells and perform 3D seismic surveys in the amount of 3 thousand square meters. km. In addition, not so long ago the company entered into an agreement with the government of Kazakhstan for the development of the Al-Farabi and Zhenis blocks in the Centralnaya structure. Due to the shallowing of the Volga, the water level in the Caspian Sea falls catastrophically from year to year. In 2019, it decreased by 13 cm, and in five years will fall by 1.5 meters.

 Environmentalists give disappointing forecasts: in the near future, in order to continue navigation in this part of the sea, additional channels about 50-60 km long will have to be broken. Such work can cost oilmen tens of billions of rubles. However, the shallowing of the largest river in Europe will bring losses to the entire economy of the Russian Federation and not only. Having abandoned the Arctic shelf, LUKOIL has been betting on the Caspian for a long time. But under current conditions, projects may become unprofitable for the company, the authors of the Gaz-Batushka TG channel note. LUKOIL’s net loss in the first half of 2020 amounted to tens of billions of rubles. in the near future, to continue navigation in this part of the sea, it will be necessary to break through additional channels with a length of about 50-60 km. Such work can cost oilmen tens of billions of rubles. However, the shallowing of the largest river in Europe will bring losses to the entire economy of the Russian Federation and not only. Having abandoned the Arctic shelf, LUKOIL has been betting on the Caspian for a long time. But under current conditions, projects may become unprofitable for the company, the authors of the Gaz-Batushka TG channel note. LUKOIL’s net loss in the first half of 2020 amounted to tens of billions of rubles. in the near future, in order to continue navigation in this part of the sea, it will be necessary to break through additional channels with a length of about 50-60 km. Such work can cost oilmen tens of billions of rubles. However, the shallowing of the largest river in Europe will bring losses to the entire economy of the Russian Federation and not only. 

Having abandoned the Arctic shelf, LUKOIL has been betting on the Caspian for a long time. But under current conditions, projects may become unprofitable for the company, the authors of the Gaz-Batushka TG channel note. LUKOIL’s net loss in the first half of 2020 amounted to tens of billions of rubles. But under current conditions, projects may become unprofitable for the company, the authors of the Gaz-Batushka TG channel note. LUKOIL’s net loss in the first half of 2020 amounted to tens of billions of rubles. But under current conditions, projects may become unprofitable for the company, the authors of the Gaz-Batushka TG channel note. LUKOIL’s net loss in the first half of 2020 amounted to tens of billions of rubles.
