The pipeline on the bottom of the Azov Sea can replace the North Crimean Canal


An alternative to the supply of fresh water to Crimea through the North Crimean Canal, which Ukraine closed back in 2014, could be the water supply of the peninsula using a pipeline laid from the Krasnodar Territory along the bottom of the Sea of ​​Azov.

Roman Zykov, a member of the expert advisory council on improving legislation in the field of protecting national interests and issues of international politics under the State Duma, spoke about this in an interview with the information agency “CrimeaInform”.

“One of the options for solving the problem of water shortage can be the transfer of water from the Kuban River in the Krasnodar Territory. Let’s call this project, conditionally, “Eastern Channel”. It is non-standard, requires study and detailed study, including the scientific and engineering community, – said the expert. – So far this is only a proposal, no conclusions, including on the financial part of the project, have been made.

The project of transferring water from the Kuban River to the Crimea through a pipeline laid along the bottom of the Azov Sea may become an alternative to the North Crimean Canal.

However, one of the important issues at the moment is the deterioration of the Crimean water supply networks. Now, according to experts, water losses during transportation are about 60%, Zykov recalled.

“The water just goes into the ground. This is an impermissible luxury. We need a large-scale reconstruction of networks. Here we need to use the experience of St. Petersburg to help, ”the expert said.

Crimea, according to him, needs to adopt a similar regional technical regulation, which will regulate all work during the implementation of projects for the water supply of the peninsula in order to exclude the possibility of using low-quality pipes and equipment.

In Crimea, a rather acute situation with a shortage of fresh water has developed and it is necessary to calculate all possible solutions to this problem, even quite fantastic ones.

“There are big problems with water in Crimea. In addition to the steps already taken, new, most daring and, at first glance, risky decisions are needed, ”Zykov is sure.

According to him, it is possible to use, for example, such a promising way to solve the problem with water, as the use of the method of artificially increasing precipitation – causing rain. This would ensure the natural filling of natural reservoirs. But this method has a drawback – it still depends too much on natural conditions.

Desalination of seawater is also a promising solution to the problem, but it will not work to provide Crimea with fresh water on an industrial scale using this method.

author: Alexander Lublinsky
