The results of the spring examination session of ASMA students announced


The Azerbaijan State Maritime Academy (ASMA) of the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company announced the results of the spring semester examination session of the academic year 2019/2020.

Unlike previous years, this exam session was held online based on the decision of the Academic Council of the ASMA, adopted in accordance with the decisions of the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers and the recommendations of the Ministry of Education in order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Azerbaijan.

According to the Academic and Registration Department of ASMA, students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd courses of all specialties, students of the correspondence department receiving second higher education, as well as graduate students and those who have academic debt, joined the online testing.

99 percent of students took part at the online exam. Only 9 full-time undergraduate students of the Academy were unable to participate due to the technical problems. For students who could not pass the online exam or join the exams for any reason, an extra exam session will be held from the end of August until the beginning of the new academic year.

It should be noted that test questions prepared by subject teachers (with no answer options) were sent to students shortly before the examination session. In contrast to previous exam sessions, the number of questions in the variants given to students on the exam was reduced to 25, and the “4 mistakes annuls 1 correct answer” rule was not applied.

According to the decision of the Academic Council, all students, regardless of their active or passive participation in the classes, were admitted to the exams. In addition, the assessment of students was carried out taking into account 34 pre-examination points. Depending on the active participation of students at classes, subject teachers could increase the pre-examination score up to 50.
