International Maritime Organization Member States have officially applied to benefit from the experience of the State Maritime Administration.



    International Maritime Organization Member States have officially applied to benefit from the experience of the State Maritime Administration.

    During 26 years Azerbaijan regained its independence, great achievements in the field of economic and democratic development, legal state and civil society have been based on foundation established by great leader Heydar Aliyev.

    The successes gained in the past 14 years thanks to the considered, agile and decisive economic policy of the President Ilham Aliyev were further strengthened, our country successfully completed transition period in economic sphere.

    Azerbaijan becomes a global transit hub.

    The strategic course of Heydar Aliyev aimed at the development of transit potential of Azerbaijan with a favorable geostrategic position successfully maintains by the President Ilham Aliyev.

    Examples of these projects are the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan main export oil pipeline, which is considered to be a major infrastructure project connecting the Caspian Sea with the Mediterranean Sea, the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline, which was built for transportation of gas to Georgia and Turkey from the Shah Deniz field located in the Azerbaijan side of the Caspian Sea, a global succesfully implemented, major gas pipeline project in Europe, Southern Gas Corridor project, which envisages transportation of Azerbaijan gas to Europe, the “Silk Road” – Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Railway Project, Extension of the Agreement “Contract of the Century”.

    It should be noted that the Silk Road project, which has become real as a result of the decisive and wise policy of President Ilham Aliyev, determined by national leader Heydar Aliyev, is the shortest way between Europe and Asia.

    Azerbaijan is becoming the center of global transportation hub.

    The initiatives of the President to improve transport infrastructure, increase transit potential in our country are resulting with success and capacious state investments in this field creates a real basis for the unimpeded work. Construction and reconstruction of railways in the Baku International Sea Trade Port (Port of Baku), the largest trade port in the Caspian Basin, construction of new international airports, and creation of a modern railway network has repeatedly increased the scale of participation of Azerbaijan in transit transportation.

    Effective activity of the State Maritime Administration

    It is difficult to imagine the transport sector of Azerbaijan without maritime field. Maritime transport, which has historically been developed, has kept its importance at all times.

    After independence, especially in the modern times, regulation of maritime transport in our republic has an importance.

    The State Maritime Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, functioning as the central executive authority in the implementation of this important process, was established pursuant to the Decree of the President No. 1271 dated 6 February 2006.

    According to the decree the maritime transport policy in Azerbaijan, as well as cooperation with İMO, the specialized agency of the United Nations, and with international organizations,  control over implementation of international conventions which Azerbaijan is a party, was assigned to the authority of the State Maritime Administration. According to the Statute of the Administration approved by the Decree of the President No. 395 dated 20 April 2006, the administration operates as a central executive authority that carries out state policy and regulation in maritime transport in the territory of Azerbaijan.

    Since the day of establishment, the Administration successfully implements the duties, tasks and recommendations set by President İlham Aliyev. Due to the attention and care of the Head of State, important measures have been taken to improve the social welfare of the employees of the State Maritime Administration, strengthen and develop material-technical base.

    According to the Decree of the Head of the State No. 338 dated March 14, 2014, to ensure more effective organization of maritime safety in the territory of our country Maritime Safety Center under the State Maritime Administration has been established.

    According to the Statue approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No 164 dated May 23, 2014, the functions of the center include organization of navigation safety system, control of vessels traffic, inspection of ships, provision of pilotage service, long range tracking and other functions related to navigation safety in port area and in territorial waters and port areas of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    Establishment of Maritime Safety Center aims to provide the implementation of the requirements of the international conventions, which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, and effective implementation of the inspection of ships in accordance with international standards.

    Center, established for the first time in Azerbaijan within the Caspian littoral countries.

    In order to implement the requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), main functions of the Long Range Identification and Tracking National Centre, established for the first time in Azerbaijan within the Caspian littoral countries and equipped with the latest navigational and surveillance equipment are tracking the position of ships navigating in the territorial waters of Azerbaijan through satellite and radar, provision of navigation safety, delivery of relevant navigation and weather forecast information to ships, Implementation of control on the “Regulations of navigation in territorial waters of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, ensuring the alarm signals (SOS) from ships and other information are delivered to the relevant state bodies, implementation of operational relationship and exchange of information on a regular basis with  international organizations, including national centers and shipping companies of other countries.

    Long Range Identification and Tracking National Centre is superior to many of the similar organizations of leading European countries in terms of its technical equipment.

    Specialists involved in the National Center have been trained in the relevant centers of foreign countries.

    Successful international cooperation

    Along with all the fields of economy, the rapid development of maritime transport in Azerbaijan, participation of our State in formation of transit transport corridors is regarded as the result of successful policy by the President Ilham Aliyev.

    Carriage of more than 80 percent of world trade products efficiently, cost-effective and environmentally friendly is made by sea transport.

    The requirements and norms that have been adopted and observed by all the states, regulate maritime relationships are constantly needed. Taking into consideration the importance of discussing and adopting these norms in an effectively operating organization, in 1948, the International Maritime Organization, which was part of the United Nations, was established.

    The specialized agency of the United Nations, IMO recently has 172 members. The purpose of the International Maritime Organization is to ensure the state regulation and cooperation of States in all technical matters related to navigation, maritime safety, efficiency of navigation, prevention of sea pollution by ships, organization of the globally adoption of maximum standards in the fight against such pollution and creation of conditions, to consider administrative and legal issues related to the organization’s purpose.

    The State Maritime Administration pays special attention to study the experience of maritime transport in leading countries and the application of this practice in our country. Our country is developing multilateral cooperation in this field not only with the International Maritime Organization, but also with the International Labor Organization, the European Maritime Safety Agency, The Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization and other international and regional organizations.

    The Republic of Azerbaijan, since member of IMO, has been acceded to more than 20 international conventions and protocols in the field of maritime transport as International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG), 1972, Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic.

    Pursuant to international conventions and protocols, implementation of the requirements in the field of maritime transport is carried out by the State Maritime Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    Pursuant to Executive Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 1271 dated February 6, 2006, the State Maritime Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan have been classified to carry out policy in maritime transport in the Republic of Azerbaijan, in cooperation with International Maritime Organization, which is United Nations specialized agency in maritime transport and control over compliance with the international conventions which are supported by the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    The State Maritime Administration has ensured to have great achievement by accomplishment of the requirements of these conventions by the vessels operating under the flag of the enterprises, organizations and the state flag of Azerbaijan.


    Implemented activities are highly appreciated by International experts


    Control of the works carried out in order to ensure maritime safety in Azerbaijan and the existing state control method are regularly assessed by independent international experts, as well as the International Maritime Organization and the European Maritime Safety Agency. At the same time, the State Maritime Administration regularly presents annual reports to the above-mentioned organizations on the work done in the field of maritime safety and level of maritime safety.

    With a view to assessing the status of execution of the obligations arising out of the requirements of the international convention in sea transport, an Audit Expert Group visited Azerbaijan on May 28 – June 6) regarding IMO member States Audit Scheme.

    During the auditing, the Audit Expert group highly appreciated the continuous reforms carried out in line with the policy established in sea transport under leadership of the President Mr. Ilham Aliyev and the existing normative legal acts approved for this purpose, as well as safety in navigation, and implementation of the reasonable and strict measures in protection of the sea environment.

    During the audit For the purpose of checking and evaluating the application of international conventions by the International Maritime Organization in the field of maritime transport of Azerbaijan

    On 28 – 29 of September of this year meeting was held for maritime ambassadors of the Organization at the headquarters of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) located in London. The representative of the State Maritime Administration who has been appointed from the IMO as the maritime ambassador participated in this meeting.


    The delegation led by Mr. Gudrat Gurbanov, the Head of the State Maritime Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, attended the session of 30th Assembly of the International Maritime Organization on November 27 – December 6.


    Azerbaijan is leaving behind the European countries


    At the session, the President and the Vice-Presidents of the Assembly were elected, the Credentials Committee and other committees were established, and the reports of the Council to the Assembly and other committees on the results of the sessions for the year 2017 were considered.

    The Head of the delegation of Azerbaijan, Mr.Gudrat Gurbanov spoke about the positive results of the audit carried out in the State Maritime Administration by the Audit Expert Group on May 28 – June 6, 2017 in order to assess the status of execution of the obligations arising from the requirements of the international conventions in the field of maritime transport.

    The Head of State Maritime Administration remarked that, in accordance with results of the audit, the Republic of Azerbaijan held the highest place on statistical list by passing ahead the European countries that take leading part in 172 world maritime States. The Head of Azerbaijan delegation pointed that positive result of audit that carried out by the Audit Expert Team give basis to remark that measures carried out maritime field of the Republic of Azerbaijan, activities of harbor masters under the State Maritime Administration, and vessel traffic system in port area and in territorial waters of the Republic of Azerbaijan were organized in high level according to requirements of International Maritime Organization.

    Successful results of the State Maritime Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan in audit, caused the sympathy of the member states of the International Maritime Organization. IMO Members States Belarus and Ukraine representatives expressed their interest to benefit Azerbaijan’s experience and wish to visit Azerbaijan with large group of representatives soon. It should be noted that Head of the State Administration on Supervision of Navigation at the State Service of Maritime and River Transportation of Turkmenistan visited to Azerbaijan on November with same purpose.

    During the session information regarding audit results that were held in 2017, reports of 172 member states of IMO, reports of education training centers of IMO, and reports of “International Maritime Day” for 2016-2017 were made.

    International Maritime Prize was presented to Mr. Koji Sekimizu, former Secretary General of IMO of 4 years, chosen career holder, for his long-term contributions to the International Maritime Organization. Prize was presented by the Secretary General of IMO Mr. Kitack Lim.

    In accordance with the articles 16 and 17 of the Convention of International Maritime Organization, elections were held during the session to the Council of IMO for the period of two years. According to results, 10 countries under the category A, 10 under category of B and 20 countries under the category of C were elected

    Maritime transport legislation is approximated with international standards

    One of the most important and necessary measures for the development of maritime transport in the Republic of Azerbaijan are the works done to approximate the national legislation to the international standards in the field of maritime transport in order to use the existing material and technical base more efficiently.

    Especially, the Twinning Project on “Improvement of Maritime Safety, Security and Marine Environment Protection in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, which was started in 2012 and lasted for two years, is one of the important steps taken in the field of maritime transport.

    The Twinning Project “Support to the State Maritime Administration to Improve Liability in Maritime Transport in the Republic of Azerbaijan” aimed to increase the capacity of the State Maritime Administration in the implementation and application of liability procedures foreseen in the International Conventions concerning maritime safety and prevention of sea pollution in Azerbaijan in conjunction with the legislation of the European Union is funded by EU.

       Twinning projects are implemented at a high level

    As a continuation of the achievements the new twinning project “Support to the State Maritime Administration to Improve Liability in Maritime Transport in the Republic of Azerbaijan” started on 16 November 2015.

    The main purpose of the Twinning Project “Support to the State Maritime Administration to Improve Liability in Maritime Transport in the Republic of Azerbaijan” is to increase the capacity of the State Maritime Administration in the implementation and application of liability procedures foreseen in the International Conventions concerning maritime safety and prevention of sea pollution in Azerbaijan in conjunction with the legislation of the European Union.

    In line with the objectives to implement the project, the relevant parts of normative legal acts that determine administrative liability in maritime transport, the Codes of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Administrative Offences and Merchant Shipping have been reviewed, relevant provisions have been thoroughly analysed and evaluated and draft laws have been re-developed. As a result Law of the Parliament “On the Adoption of changes to the Administrative Violations Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan” has entered into force on 16th of May 2017.

    At the same time, within the project the Republic of Azerbaijan joined to the Protocol of 1996 to amend the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims. All of these are a clear indication for the high level implementation of the twinning projects.

     Renewed transport fleet, enhanced transit potential

    Reduction of the average age of ships forming maritime fleet in terms of maritime safety has been set as the main objective. For the purpose of strengthening the transit potential of our country, renewal of the fleet and the construction of new ships meeting modern requirements is always at the center of attention.

    In many former Soviet republics fleets were almost destroyed due to the carelessness and lack of control. In Azerbaijan, control on maritime transport, which is one of the strategically important fields of the economy, has been always maintaned. The attention and care to this field is successfully continued by the President of Azerbaijan. This is a result of attention and care that at present, the fleet includes passenger ferries, ro-ro ships, oil tankers, dry cargo ships, pumping, scientific research, accident-rescue, towing and diving, marine boiler vessels, large tonnage crane ships are available, which gives us grounds to introduce our country as a powerful Sea State.

    In accordance with the contracts signed with “Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping” CSC, the two “RoPax” ships and two oil tankers, which are currently under construction, are planned to be handed over in 2019. In future, this plant will work with a much larger volume, associated with the expected increase in cargo transportation in the Caspian Sea. In particular, Baku Shipyard, which has extensive technical capabilities on the construction of ships required for a specialized fleet providing oil and gas operations in the sea, dry cargo ships, tankers, is attractive for all shipowners operating in our country in terms of updating the existing vessels in accordance with modern standards.

    These orders, which are strategically important for the shipping industry in Azerbaijan

    is important not only for the renewal of the “Azerbaijan Caspian Sea Shipping” CJSC, but also for the enhancement of local shipbuilding practices in Azerbaijan.

    In particular, it should be emphasized that, improving the existing infrastructure of the shipping industry in our country, as well as the construction of the largest, modern and potential national shipbuilding plant in the region is a clear example of state support in the field of maritime transport.

     Azerbaijan has created safe and reliable maritime transport

    For safe transportation by sea transport in Azerbaijan, which has become a leading state in the region, in line with the effective organization of maritime safety, as well as preventing time loss during entry and exit of ships into ports purposeful works are carried out by the State Maritime Administration and these works are under strict control. If sea transportation is not safe and reliable, this field can never be attractive for foreign and domestic freight owners. This factor is the issue that freight owners always pay special attention ühile implementing transit cargo by transport corridors.

    President Ilham Aliyev successfully continues the political course of the national leader Heydar Aliyev and the achievements obtained under the leadership of the Head of State affects to increase the influence of Azerbaijan in the international arena, recognition of our state as a reliable partner, to become an active and influential member of international organizations, as well as to act as an initiator of events and projects that are important for our region and the international community as a whole.

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