Registration for Caspian Energy Transport Forum in process


    “Registration of attendees for the forthcoming Caspian Energy Transport Forum, which will be held on September 20 with the support of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan, is in process”, First Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Caspian European Club and Caspian American Club Telman Aliyev said.

    Report informs, according to Telman Aliyev, registration for the forum will be open until September 19, the registration is available on:

    “Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan Ramin Guluzade, as well as the heads and deputy heads of the State Maritime Administration of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Railways CJSC, Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company CJSC, Azerbaijan Airlines CJSC (AZAL), Baku International Sea Trade Port CJSC and Baku Metro CJSC are expected to attend the opening ceremony of the forum, Telman Aliyev said.

    Caspian Energy Forum is held several times a year in the countries across the Caspian-Black Sea and Baltic regions, the EU states and is a platform for companies of the oil and non-oil sectors.

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