Episode “Artillery firing at a floating mine” will be conducted within the “Sea Cup 2017” contest – VIDEO


    Report was informed in the press service of Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence (MoD).

    Small missile ship “Grad Sviyazhsk” of the Russian Navy and a missile boat “Joshan” of the Iranian Naval Forces participating in the competition are completed the mission by destroying air targets.

    The “G-124” guard warship of the Azerbaijan Naval Forces and the rocket and artillery ship “Sariarka” of the Kazakhstan Naval Forces will carry out tasks the next day due to the technical failures appeared in the targets which are not dependent on the warship crews.

    During the conducting of the episode “Artillery firing at a floating mine” today, crews of warships will compete in the destruction of targets simulating the floating mines.

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    Episode No.2 “Artillery firing at an air target” was fulfilled within the framework of the “Sea Cup-2017” contest.