Training and Education Center of Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company has been refurbished

    Press release of Press Service of “Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping” Closed Joint-Stock Company

    On July 25, the Chairman of the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company Rauf Veliyev visited the Training and Education Center of the Company.

    The Chairman of the Shipping Company got familiarized with the conditions created after the repairs and has been informed about the innovations in the Training and Education Center. It was noted that seafarers can already use the electronic library created at the Center in order to improve their professional skills. Lecture rooms and office rooms of the staff were also renovated. Along with this, a cafeteria has been opened for the convenience of listeners.

    The Chairman of ACSC Rauf Veliyev watched the examination process of the listeners, who were studying at the Center. It was emphasized that examinations at the Training Center are organized electronically, in accordance with international conventions. Participants, who successfully pass the exams are given certificates.

    Afterwards the Chairman of ACSC Rauf Veliyev joined the training process organized at the Center for floating personnel and answered the questions concerned the seafarers. Mr. Rauf Veliyev highlighted that one of the most important conditions nowadays is the ability of each seaman to skillfully take advantage of new technologies used on vessel, as well as their readiness for complex situations arising at sea. In this regard, courses organized to improve skills, play an important role.

    Mr. Rauf Veliyev also examined the Dynamic Positioning Simulator of the Training and Education Center, which was recently awarded the certificate of the influential British organization “The Nautical İnstitute”. The Chairman of the Shipping Company was informed, that this certificate allows to conduct “DP İnduction” and “DP Simulator” trainings. It was noted that today the Training and Education Center is one of 95 centers of the world and the only center in Azerbaijan authorized to organize training sessions for DP Engineering and DP Simulator.

    It should be noted that the Dynamic Positioning Simulator is a computer control system designed to maintain the position and direction of the vessel.

    The Training and Education Center of Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company has been operating since 2014. Along with the staff of the Shipping Company, representatives of other companies are also trained at the Center.


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