Azerbaijan and Tyumen region talking over creation of a joint venture in the field of oil and gas engineering


    Development of relations with Azerbaijan is one of the most important and priority directions for the Tyumen region.
    Report informs, the Governor of the Tyumen region Vladimir Yakushev said at the meeting with representatives of the Azerbaijani media who are making a press tour “Tyumen region: realities, potential, development.”
    “We have a very similar economic structure with Azerbaijan with a lot of elements connected with hydrocarbon raw materials, including production, deep processing and transportation,” V. Yakushev said.
    In this regard, the head of the region pointed to the feasibility of creating a joint venture in the field of oil and gas engineering, which was discussed during the visit of the delegation of the region to Baku at the end of last year.
    “Today oil and gas engineering is actively developing in Azerbaijan, but sometimes this equipment is purchased from outside the republic. Our proposals were quite interesting. I think we have common ground here,” he said.
    According to him, the large petrochemical enterprise of the region – Sibur Tobolsk is also interested in cooperation with Azerbaijani entrepreneurs.
    “The enterprise made proposals on the implementation of very interesting projects on processing polymers for joint realization, molding of polymer products, production of plastic packaging,” the head of the region added.
    V. Yakushev also noted that the region also expects the visit of the Azerbaijani delegation led by the Minister of Economy of Azerbaijan Shahin Mustafayev to the Tyumen region.
    “We hope that the Azerbaijani Minister of Economy together with top managers of the Azerbaijani companies will pay an official visit to the Tyumen Region. We have agreed on this and discussed in detail. A network of industrial parks, where it is possible to implement the proposed projects, has been created in the Tyumen region,” he said.