President Ilham Aliyev: Groups are organized as pretexts to prevent the TAP


    Groups are organized, ecological issues are raised as pretexts to prevent the TAP. According to information we have, these efforts base on large amount of moneys. That’s those groups are organized without any grounds,.
    Report informs, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said addressing an official reception on the occasion of the national holiday of Azerbaijan, Republic Day,
    President Ilham Aliyev said: “I’d like to note that 45% of TAP had to be completed as of today. That’s the level is close to that figure. I want to specially underline it. Because Azerbaijani community aware of efforts to prevent the TAP. It’s clear that these groups are organized to prevent this project. However, only 3% of the plan remained incomplete. Therefore, I’m sure that there will be no problem in TAP implementation.”