Azerbaijan’s Maritime Transport systems are in the list of one of the best examples in international scale


    The State Maritime Administration completes the year of 2017 successfully

    In spite of social-economic difficulties occurs in global scale, Azerbaijan completes the year of 2017 with achievements. We owe these to the successful results of social-economic projects, as well as non-oil economy, increased economic indicators in agriculture, monetary funds of the country, fixed financial situation. Most memorable achievement of the year is the extension of “Contract of Century” until 2050, 2 billion oil productions and launching of Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railways. In one word in accordance with economical strategy carried out by the President Ilham Aliyev oil and gas export of Azerbaijan and also improvement transport transit potential gave contribution to our country.

    Logistics and trade is the main factor for economic growth

    By implementing the main transnational projects, The Republic of Azerbaijan as a largest and most promising country in South Caucasus once again became attracted by leading countries and big companies by situating in the center of main transnational logistic routes. New economic strategy that carried out by the President Ilham Aliyev turned the country’s economy into diversification, especially development.

    Logistics and trade creates condition for foreign investments to the main sectors by becoming the important factor for the economic growth in globalization. Improvement of transport infrastructure in our country, increasing the transport potential are carried out in the country successfully as these are the initiatives of the Head of State and it creates grounds for investments works to be applied with no obstacles. Construction of largest Baku International Trade Sea Port in Caspian basin, reconstruction of railways and also new international airport, establishing new automobile ways network and etc. increase many times the scale of participation of Azerbaijan’s in transit routes.

    Maritime transport – strategical targets and priority direction.

    As a main part of economic infrastructure of Azerbaijan the maritime transport take leading role in social economic development of country. In comparison with other transport means the maritime transport has an advantage as a value in carriage of goods. In considering that 80 percent of world trade performed through maritime transport, Azerbaijan’s competitiveness of maritime transport and sustainable development are ensured by preparing action plan covering the strategical targets and priority direction. Strategy is the main factor in arrangement of effective merchant shipping and application of international rules. Azerbaijan’s geostrategic location on Silk way, oil and gas resources, maritime companies, as well as traditions of establishing the potential of maritime personnel, is the pushing aspect of economic development. Harmful effect of economic development, made it necessary to prepare Sustainable Development Conception by the United Nations and Sustainable Development Goals are defined to ensure the improvement of sustainable development in world. Conducted strategy contributes to safe and effective Sustainable Transport System improvement, as well as prevention of maritime pollution and increasing energy efficiency and protection of natural resources.

    The State Maritime Administration implements assignments and recommendations successfully.

    It is hard to imagine transport sector of Azerbaijan without maritime sphere. Because the maritime transport maintained its’ necessity in all times while passing through historical development. In modern time regulation of maritime transport sphere in our republic takes main role. This important process implementation is carried out by the State Maritime Administration as central executive body that established by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 06 February.

    State Maritime Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan is in charge of the competences on leading the policy in the field of maritime transport in the Republic of Azerbaijan, and cooperation with International Maritime Organization of United Nations and other international maritime organizations, to supervise the implementations international maritime conventions the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party. In accordance with the “Statute” of the State Maritime Administration that adopted by the Decree of the Head of State on 20 April 2006, the Administration is the central executive body implementing state policy and regulation in maritime transport field in the territory of Republic.

    Since its’ establishment the Administration implements successfully the duties and assignments given by the President Ilham Aliyev. Under his attention and care, necessary steps are taken in improvement of social prosperity of staff of the Administration, strengthen material technical base and development. The State Maritime Administration as a main body in gaining achievement in maritime sphere is in the list of completing the year of 2017 successfully.

    During the period of year the State Maritime Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan ensured the implementation of measures on state regulation and policy in the maritime field by taking into consideration of Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, international conventions that the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party and “Statute of the State Maritime Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan” adopted by The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 20 April 2006, decree no 395.

    With the purpose of evaluating the implementation of the requirements of the international conventions in maritime field, during 28 may-06 June of current year the Audit Expert Team of the International Maritime Organization conducted an audit at the State Maritime Administration in relation with verifying and evaluating the implementation level of the International Conventions by the International Maritime Organization which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, the maritime safety provision in all territorial waters of the Republic of Azerbaijan including port water areas, control mechanism the requirements applied to vessels, vessels traffic control, in accordance with the requirements of the International Conventions to inspect the vessels entering and departing the ports and issue entry/exit permits, protection of human life and marine environment as well as evaluation process of proficiency level of the professionals in this field have been examined accurately and punctually,

    In the ahead of list in between 172 maritime countries.

    it’s been highly valued the qualification requirements reflected in the legislation that inspectors should be formed only by the seafarers that carry out inspections of the vessels in compliance with the requirements of International Conventions, these requirements and other mechanisms established at the maritime transport field can be the Best Practice for the maritime countries, it is specially defined in accordance with the results of the audit that measures implemented in maritime field of our Republic, adopted normative legal acts comply with all requirements of International Maritime Organization and control on ships standards and inspections by the surveyors, harbor master activities under State Maritime Administration, control of vessel traffic system in the territorial waters of the Republic of Azerbaijan and port water areas have been settled in high level and in accordance with complete results of an audit The Republic of Azerbaijan held the highest place on statistical list by passing ahead the European and countries that take leading part in 172 world maritime States

    Inspection was held on vessels up to 200

    During the 2017, wide inspections were held on 140 vessels flying the State flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan and 59 vessels flying the flag of the foreign states. During the inspections overall 1365 deficiencies were found on the vessels flying the State flag of Azerbaijan which are 811 of them relate to SOLAS Convention, 333 to STCW Convention, 156 to MARPOL Convention, 7 to COLREG, and 58 are violations of requirements of other conventions. At the same time 466 deficiencies were found on the vessels flying the flag of foreign countries due to violations of international conventions. 370 of deficiencies relate to SOLAS, 27 MARPOL, 35 Load Lines, 3 COLREG, and 29 of them are the violations of requirements of other conventions. Elimination of deficiencies was under control and all deficiencies were eliminated.

    Pilotage service was rendered to the 1418 vessels flying the flag of foreign States.

    Apart from this by the Long Range Identification and Tracking National Center under the Administration, 13175 vessels were assisted, 788 forecast information and 1164 storm information were transmitted, as well as 440 vessel towing operation were controlled and safe towing operation carried out, also 5 sick seafarers information onboard of vessels was received and their evacuation measures were appropriately arranged and at the same time deviation cases from recommended routes were found out at from channels, sea ports, waterways at the territorial waters of the Republic of Azerbaijan and direction of 4 vessels were coordinated in order to avoid any possible accident.

    Certificates were given to vessels by the Administration

    During the period of report certificates of entitlement to fly the flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan, ownership certificate, minimum safe manning certificate, certificate of financial security in respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage, safe management certificate, certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability of bunker oil pollution damage, extract from bareboat charter registry and ship registry of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Continuous synopsis record document were issued by the Administration.  Also in accordance with requirements of Safe Management International Code, compliance certificates were given to shipping companies, various type of vessels were registered in bareboat registry and ship registry of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and vessels reregistered at the mentioned registry and appropriate certificates were issued and some vessels were deleted from ship registry and also bareboat registry of the Republic of Azerbaijan. At the same time Guidelines on training of Safety of Life at Sea, Guidelines on cargo consolidation, fire protection scheme, ships towing operation plan, Guidelines on fire protection training, extraordinary protection plan of oil pollution, waste management plan, ship’s efficiency management plan, and response plan on prevention of pollution of marine environment from vessels have been confirmed.

    Renewal survey on 38 vessel, initial survey on 11 vessel, 19 intermediate survey were carried out

    During the aforementioned period, 38 renewals, initial at 11 vessels, intermediate survey carried out at 19 vessels by the specialists of Administration in accordance with requirements of International Ships and Port Facility Security Code. Also inspection was held at two sea port and compliance certificates were issued in accordance with requirements of International Ships and Port Facility Security Code.

    During the mentioned period of time 1260 seafarers identity documents and 872 seafarers record book prepared and presented to its’ owners.

    In accordance with the requirements of International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping and Statute on certification of vessel crew in the transport fleet of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2833 certificates (diplomas) and 24836 special training certificates were issued.

    As well as in accordance with requirements of Code on Recognized Organizations (RO), assessment of RO and Class Society activities, with purpose of defining its compliance to international convention and domestic legislations’ requirements, “Bureau Veritas” and “Croatian Shipping Registry” Classification Societies were inspected accordingly.

    Special attention were given for training and education issues

    Also Guidelines on cooperation between the State Maritime Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Defense and Action plan on cooperation between Ministry of Extraordinary Situations and the State Maritime Administration were signed.

    Apart from this, special attention was given for training and education issues for civil servants working at State Maritime Administration. Staff of Administration participated at international meetings and trainings, and all these ensured to gain extensive practice of maritime field in advanced countries and recognition of Azerbaijan in international level. Once they were in business trip their service functions and language knowledge were taken into consideration.

    In the framework of the Twinning Project on supporting to the State Maritime Administration to improve liability in Maritime Transport in the Republic of Azerbaijan which considers normative legal acts on administrative liability in the shipping sector and relevant parts of the Merchant Shipping Code and Administrative codes reviewed, amended and prepares new administrative procedures, International Convention on civil liability convention for oil pollution damage, training seminars with participation of Spanish specialists, seminars on maritime safety implementation in Italy which held by Italian specialists, and also together with Ministry of Extraordinary Situations, and implementation of MARPOL convention training courses were held.

    With purpose of improving practical knowledge, the staff of Long Range Identification and Tracking National Center of Maritime Safety Center participated in training courses at the Centro Jovellanos training education center in Kingdom of Spain for vessel traffic service operators accredited by the International Lighthouse Association

    Great opportunities were established for dynamic development of maritime transport

    At the same time on 08 December 2017, final meeting of Twinning Project on supporting to the State Maritime Administration to improve liability in Maritime Transport in the Republic of Azerbaijan was held. As such, all expected goals were achieved within this project framework which is the main direction in adjusting national legislation to International Standards for the our Republic.

    During the mentioned period, in accordance with Law on citizens appeals dated on 30 September 2015 with No1308-IVQ and article 8.13 of the Statute of the State Maritime Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 20 April 2006, No395, at the State Maritime Administration, arrangement the of reception of citizens carried out as per days indicated on the schedule of reception of citizens for Management of the State Maritime Administration and heads of structural departments of Administration and also in necessary cases reception of citizens carried out in non-reception days by the Management of Administration and Heads of structural departments.

    Once again all these confirms the fact of necessary and important works to be done in the filed of maritime transportation in our republic, adjusting national legislation to the international standards that give successful results.
    Along with development in all spheres of economy in our country, dynamic development of maritime field, its’ participation in establishing of transport-transit corridors of a country, should be evaluated as a result of successful policy of the President Ilham Aliyev.

    Today as a one of transit country of Eurasia, Azerbaijan located in the center of East-West trade, energy and transport communication network. This location is strengthening every day and most important fact is that main regional integration and globalization centers of the world accepts Azerbaijan as a main transit country and provider world’s alternative energy in third millennium. As a fact of growing transit opportunities of Azerbaijan, its’ planetary geopolitical value also increases and this is considered main aspect for reliable partnership with foreign countries. Azerbaijan is recognized with sustainable and dynamical development that reflects national development model in itself and currently experiencing new development period in quality and subsequently gains successful results in internationally. As all part of the economy, maritime transport sector development is under the attention of President Ilham Aliyev. Today we confidently may confess that large opportunities created for dynamic development of maritime transport sphere as a result of special attention and care of President Ilham Aliyev.


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