After overhaul the tanker “Koroghlu” will be able to float for weeks not berthing ashore


The “Koroglu” tanker, owned by “Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company” CJSC, has undergone overhaul since the beginning of March 2017 at the “Zygh” Shipyard.

Ship repairmen carried out a considerable work in a short time. Thus, the underwater part of the tanker was cleaned and painted, the main and auxiliary engines, pumps, compressors and other important mechanisms were repaired. Along with this, all pipes of the cargo heating system are replaced with new ones. Welding works on the hull of the vessel was completed. Expired plastic cushions of a propeller shaft has also been replaced. It should be noted that the pillows of the propeller shaft are made in the “Zygh” Shipyard.

During the repair of the “Koroghlu” tanker the control system will be replaced with modern systems. The repair works will significantly reduce fuel consumption. Completion of repairs is scheduled for early May. Upon completion of the work, the vessel will be tested in order to check the working capacity of the new equipment.

It should be noted, that the tanker “Koroghlu” with the carrying capacity of 13,000 tons was put into operation in 2006. The length of the vessel is 149.9 meters, width – 17.3 meters, speed – 12 knots. The tanker has 12 compartments and one desalination plant. “Koroghlu” tanker with double-layer construction of the bottom and shell is capable to operate in unfavorable weather conditions and will prevent oil leakage into the sea in emergency situations. The tanker “Koroghlu” is capable to float for 20 days without berthing ashore.

It should be noted, that the tanker fleet of “Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company” CJSC takes leading position in the basin of the Caspian Sea. Special attention is paid to equipping of the fleet with new vessels in order to preserve its advanced positions of the Shipping Company in cargo transportation. Currently, the fleet consists of 34 tankers. In the near future, it is planned to strengthen the fleet of the Shipping Company by building and supplying new vessels that meet the latest achievements in shipbuilding industry.