21 mln tons Azerbaijani oil exported from Ceyhan port in 2017


    In October, 1 895 356 tons of Azerbaijani oil exported from Ceyhan port (Mediterranean Sea, Turkey).

    Report informs referring to the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR), 1 201 814 tons of this volume accounted for the State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan (SOFAZ).

    In January-October 2017, volume of oil exported from Ceyhan port made 21 036 310 tons, which is 14,6% less than analogical period in 2016.

    In general, since the day of commissioning of the BTC (June 2006) until November 1, 2017, 340,871 mln tons of Azerbaijani oil transported from Ceyhan port to the world markets.

    Notably, Azerbaijani oil is delivered to Ceyhan port via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline and thence across the Mediterranean sent to the markets. The BTC pipeline originates from the Sangachal terminal, near Baku. The daily capacity of the pipeline is 1.2 mln barrels of oil.

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