Record frost registered in touristic city in Argentina


    The thermometer rate has decreased to 25,4 degrees of frost in the Argentine city of San Carlos de Bariloche. However, it felt like the indicator recahed 29 degrees lower than zero, Report informs referring to RIA Novosti.

    The mentioned temperature has become all-time low for the city.

    It was noted that the arrival of the so-called “Storm of the Century”, that has brought strong snowfalls to the city, in the region has become the reason of similar frost. Bariloche, located at the foot of the Andean mountain, is considered one of the most popular touristic centers of the Sourth American country.

    The cold weather has already violated the activity of the local airport; approximately 25,000 people were left without light; trees were tumbled down.

    The local media report that the height of snowdrifts in the streets reached 50 sm.