SOCAR, its partners launch professional courses on cybersecurity and data analysis


Nowadays, professional courses on cyber security and data analysis have been launched in order to successfully implement the digital transformation, which is one of the strategic goals of the state, and to develop local human resources in this area, the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) told Report.

A total of 628 people applied for the courses organized within the SOCAR Midstream Social Investment Initiatives. Considering many applications, the number of participants in the project increased from 150 to 221 people. 110 of them will participate in the Data Analytics and 111 in the Cyber Security project. 35% of the participants selected for the courses are women.

Qeyd edək ki, layihə SOCAR və Cənubi Qafqaz Boru Kəməri (CQBK) Şirkətində iştirak payına malik olan tərəfdaş şirkətlərin maliyyə dəstəyi ilə həyata keçirilir. CQBK layihəsində iştirakçıların pay bölgüsü hazırda belədir: SOCAR (10 %), Cənub Qaz Dəhlizi şirkəti (6,67 %), bp (28,83 %), TPAO (19 %), “Petronas” (15,5 %), “Lukoil” (10 %), NİCO (10 %).

The project is implemented by the International Training and Project Center, one of the leading groups in the field of organization of individual and corporate training and mentoring in education in Azerbaijan. During the project, participants will be supported by local specialists who have completed doctoral studies at the world’s leading universities and have academic and professional experience in this field. Participants must complete the 224- and 191-hour training programs, respectively, and score the minimum required test scores to be eligible for certificates.

Participants who successfully complete the program will be encouraged to work in local and foreign companies operating in our country.

The project is carried out with the financial support of SOCAR and shareholders of the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP): SOCAR (10%), Southern Gas Corridor Company (6.67%), BP (28.83%), TPAO (19%), Petronas (15.5%), Lukoil (10%), NICO (10%).