Export from Georgia to Azerbaijan grows by 15% this year


In January-May 2021, the trade turnover between Georgia and Azerbaijan made up $408,124,100, down 0.24% from the previous year, Report’s Georgian bureau informs.

According to the National Statistics Office of Georgia, Azerbaijan’s share in Georgia’s total trade turnover was 8.1%.

Azerbaijan was the fourth biggest trade partner of Georgia in the reporting period, following Turkey, Russia, and China.

Georgia’s export to Azerbaijan rose by 14.6% to $195,500,000. Azerbaijan’s share in Georgia’s total export made up 12.7%. With this indicator, Azerbaijan was the third export partner of Georgia, following China and Russia.

Azerbaijan exported products worth $212,500,000 to Georgia, up by 4.7% compared to a year earlier. Azerbaijan was the fourth biggest import partner of Georgia, with a share of 6.1% of Georgia’s total import.