Kazakhstani ammophos delivered to Batumi via Middle Corridor for first time


Kazakhstan has used the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) for the first time to export domestically produced ammophos to world markets through the Batumi seaport, Report informs, citing KazTransOil (KTO), which owns exclusive rights to manage a 100% stake in Batumi Oil Terminal LLC.

“The export of Kazakh ammophos from Batumi seaport via TITR is being carried out for the first time. Multimodal transportation was used for its delivery to Batumi. The shipper is Kazphosphate LLP. The export volume amounted to 3,000 tons of Kazakh ammophos,” KazTransOil states.

According to KTO, in 2025, the Batumi seaport plans to transship 50,000 tons of Kazakh ammophos.

“As part of efforts to attract new shippers, in 2024 the Batumi seaport also provided the first deliveries of 37,600 tons of Kazakh ammonium nitrate to world markets via TITR,” the company says.

Batumi Oil Terminal LLC provides services for transshipment, pumping, storage of oil, petroleum products and liquefied petroleum gas, as well as their processed products using its own berths, technological pipelines and reservoirs.

The Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, also known as the Middle Corridor, is an international transport route that runs through China, Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea area, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and further to Turkey and European countries. The Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway is part of this corridor.