Transportation tariffs on the Baku-Turkmanbashi-Baku route reduced


Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping CJSC (ASCO) announces transport tariffs discount in both Baku-Turkmanbashi-Baku directions starting from March 1, 2023.

Tariff for one standard truck with a trailer (TIR length 16.5 meters) transportation in one direction (Baku-Turkmenbashi or Turkmenbashi-Baku) is $1,000 instead of $1,072.

Round trip ticket purchased by driver in advance will cost $1,600 instead of $1,716.

Rates are calculated in proportion to the length of the wheeled vehicle if it is more or less than 16.5 meters.

It should also be noted that since the beginning of February, passenger vehicles have been transported in this direction at reduced rates. Currently, the cost of transporting a car on a vessel is not 325, but 200 dollars.

Tariffs reduction is aimed to create favorable conditions for road transport across the Caspian in the direction of Turkmenistan.