A meeting of the working group and the Organization General Assembly on developing the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TBNM) was held in Tbilisi, Georgia.
At the two-day meeting attended by the relevant agencies of Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Poland our country was represented by authorities from “Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company” CJSC (ASCO), Azerbaijan Railways CJSC, Baku International Sea Trade Port CJSC, Baku Hovsan International Sea Trade Port OJSC. ASCO Chairman Rauf Valiyev and other ASCO representatives also attended the meeting.
Discussions were made at the General Assembly around the issues such as the amendment to the composition of the Management Board of the TBNM International Association Union of Legal Entities and the approval of the audit report on TBNM merchandising activities for 2021.
The results of the activities of the TBNM IA for the nine months of 2022, efficient use of the capacity of the TBNM, continuous and more effective transportation of cargoes by route were exchanged at the meeting.
Some issues discussed during the General Assembly were approved at the meeting held by the Working Group.
The issues pertaining uncoordinated rate increase by some logistics companies, components of International Trans-Caspian Transportation Consortium (TCTC), measures to eliminate the long-term layup of containers and trains at ports were also discussed at the General Assembly.
